
Monday, June 20, 2011

Dance Shows 2011

After a week of dress rehearsals for both the
Jazz show and the Ballet, the girls did a
fabulous job at the performances on Friday and
Saturday nights. We weren't allowed to record
during the actual performances, so I had to
make sure I was at the rehearsals at the right
times to film them. Unfortunately, because they
are rehearsals, you can hear babies crying and
the directors telling them to smile and a
choreographer's hand come in the the picture, she
was right in the way and I was trying to film
around her. Anyway, The girls are just getting
so much better and they are so fun to watch!

Paris went through a period of not loving ballet for
a while. She has been telling me her feet hurt. I got
her new ballet shoes, but it didn't help much. I'm
thinking we may need to see a podiatrist, she
walks a little funny and complains about her
feel every now and then. Anyway, but as soon as
she knew what her classes part was in the ballet and
what their costumes were going to look like, she got
really excited and loved ballet again.  Her costumes
were a huge mess, and long story, short, the beautiful
midnight blue ones ordered for them were given to a
different class on accident and then problems upon
problems later, her class received the leftovers of many
other classes. I know this because I was a seamstress
this year and was given these random tutus the day
before rehearsal to sew and make semi pretty and matching.
They ended up not looking too bad on stage mostly
because the wings made them all match. Paris' costume
was one of the prettier ones and thankfully her favorite color,
so she was happy!

Again, this is a rehearsal, so the lighting wasn't right and
they didn't have up the really pretty woodland set.

I got to see Evey dance her ballet, but not sure why I didn't get it on
film, but just know she was beautiful!!  She can't wait for September,
when she is 11 1/2 and they will evaluate her for pointe shoes. She is
confident they will let her, it's all up to her own little body. We have
to take her to the dr to make sure she is at 90% of her adult height,
and that the bones in her foot are formed enough to put them through
the torture of pointe! She's not going to be a tall girl, so hopefully she
has a little growth spurt this summer, so she'll be ready!

Paris loved her Jazz/tap class!! When it came time for choreographing
the number they would do her teacher held a vote in the class on
weather they would do a tap  or a jazz dance. She said it was tied, but
one girl was missing that day, so her vote would be the deciding vote.
So obviously that girl chose tap.  Paris had voted jazz, but was still
happy, especially because she really likes the song.  It makes me laugh
though because in both of her dances, Paris knew the steps, but
because the teacher stands off stage and does the dance for those that
may forget, she looks over there, and misses steps sometimes.  She did
it perfectly at the show and didn't even glance at the teacher! We will
get a DVD from the show later down the road.

This is Evey's company (JDC) dance. I have loved her teacher and
the choreography she does, it is very beautiful and Evey loves her too.
Evey is hoping to move up to the next level company, CDC, at auditions
in August.  CDC does more dances per show and Evey is so ready for
that! But you have to be 11, so this is just her year as far as advancing in

I hadn't seen any of the girls dances until the rehearsal. I just drop them
off and pick them up. Evey's teacher had told me a while ago that she
had a special part for Evey in her Jazz piece. This is the same teacher
as JDC, Emily, and Evey said that Emily had told her she choereographed
this piece with Evey in mind as the featured dancer. So when I saw this,
I was crying like a baby. I would say it is from pregnancy hormones,
but I'm not sure I can shrug this off on that this time! I was just so proud.
She dances really well and had such a pretty smile! I think all of the other
video taping mommies there at rehearsal thought I was crazy, bawling my
eyes out.  Hey but it wasn't bad enough that you can hear me on the video,
so that's good!! Wink!
Evey also got recognition from "the star" dancer at the show on Friday.
We had left our makeup bag and  hair straightener at the Covey center
and when we found the bag on Friday, the straightener was gone, so I
couldn't curl Evey's hair, so we had to go in the big girls dressing room
to use one of theirs. When Angel (this is the most featured dancer in the
whole studio!) saw Evey she said "oh, I love you!!" I think it was a great
boost of Evey's confidence, but she is just so wonderful and humble,
she didn't let it go to her head....I guess it went to mine!!


1 comment:

  1. LOVED this! You should know Adelaide is now totally enamored of Evey (she came over while I was watching the videos). She wants to "be her when she grows up!" =) Lovely, lovely girls--and so talented!
