Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Break

Spring break started out with a snow storm and 3
cancelled soccer games. By Sunday the snow had
melted and we thought "what better way to start
spring break right than with the first fire pit of the season."

Gotta love s'mores, or S'mreeses, or this time Jon tried S'mort Kat!

Monday I took the kids and my mom out to Idaho
to see my Grandma. Jon stayed home to finish up
some projects as the semester comes to a close, Hurray!!

Grandmommy lives near Twin Falls, which is where the Perrine Bridge is.
It's a pretty awesome bridge. I actually just read about for the first time today
whilst writing this. It's a quick read on Wiki-wiki if you'd like to read it.
If you don't I'll just tell you real quick, it is the only place in the US it is
legal to base jump year round without a permit, and Evil Knievel attempted
to jump the width of the gorge in the 70's. Anyway, we have seen jumpers
before, just while passing, but a few were about to jump as we were out
site seeing so we stuck around to watch.

Evey makes me laugh!! Really they all do, but in these pics, it's mostly Evey.

They all have no fear of heights which is good.
They had no problem  sitting on the edge
of the retaining wall to see better.

While we waited for the Jumpers to get all set,
Winter threw some rocks and made us chase her up and down the walking path.

There were a total of 6 jumpers, all at varying levels of crazy.
The first guy waited the longest to open his chute,
one guy flipped a few times
(he's on the video, but it's really hard to see the flips),
and then a few of them must have been newbies
because they pulled their chutes before their feet even left the bridge.
That's what this guy did.

Then we went back to Grandmommy's and played outside for a while...

...and helped pick up some leaves and branches from the yard.
The kids  were awesome helpers. They just kept going until it was done,
no complaining. I however sat on my bum and took pictures of them hard at work.

Evey changed the light bulbs in her lamp post.

Look I fixed Winter's hair!! This is her trying to roll down the hill with everyone else.

Then Evey ran into her so she resuscitated her. CLEAR!

Attempting a chain roll.

Grandmommy's beautiful daffodils.

Such an awesome big sister!

Except maybe when she pulls your arms off!

I just had to prove to myself I still had toes! Yep, there they are.  25 weeks

We drove home on Wednesday.
Unloaded the van, I took a little snooze,
then we loaded back up to go to a Real Salt Lake Soccer Game.

Jon had looked at the weather and the rain was supposed to hold off until around 10. And he figured it wouldn't be super cold, so we all just wore jackets. We did stop and grab some emergency ponchos just incase, and then headed up to Salt Lake.
As soon as we stepped out of the van (we had paid 10 bucks to park somewhat close) we knew we were going to be cold, but we thought, it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. But, when we got in to the stadium, the wind was blowing like crazy and it was COLD.
At the beginning of the game everyone on the south end of the field threw out a roll of toilet paper... but with the wind it just blew right back on to them.

Other people threw tp too so we had some land on us. I guess we know to bring a roll next time!

Daddy snuggled his girlies!

Lex was really into the game! Such a sports-a-holic!

We were enjoying it for a little while, then it started to rain.  Real Salt Lake was playing the Colorado Rapids, so it was hard for me to choose who to root for. But, I generally went with Real just because soccer fans are C-R_A-Z-Y!! Plus Real is #3 in the MLS, pretty good! The Rapids are in the top 5 too though, anyway, it was score less at half time when the rain really began to pick up and the girls were miserable! I think Lex would have wanted to stay even if a tornado hit! So, we left and walked through the freezing rain to the van and got some gas station hot chocolate. We'll have to try that outing again another time.

Thursday we just chilled at home and played outside
and watched movies. Evey was at a birthday party all day.

*UPDATE*I missed loading this one.
This is the gift Evey took her friend.
We decided to do something a little different.
It is a tshirt and headbands and
a couple packs of Starbursts.

Then she watched everyone for me while I went to a cooking class.
Then she went to a different friends house for a sleep over.

Friday was a beautiful day!! We spent ALL day outside!
We were going to go to a local "family fun center"
that we have unlimited season passes to.
But Evey and her friend went first and said the lines
were outrageous, and since I didn't have Jon to help
with little impatient children, we opted out of that one
and instead spent the day at the park. Which was
crowded too, but that I can handle on me onesies.

Winter is getting so good at climbing the stairs and
going down slides by herself, even with a million other
pushy big kids. She really holds her own! I just wait at
the bottom of the slide! Love it!

Saturday we went and saw Hop.

It was really cute.
A definite kids movie, not much for any older crowds,
which is why I'm sure it didn't get good ratings. But it
was fun and I love James Marsden, and Russell Brand,
and Huge Laurie...and Hank Azaria!
 So I really liked it. And Jon appreciated the computer
graphics, so we had a good time. Then we came home
and Grammy took the kids to the park again.

Sunday was a normal, have the fam over for dinner,
and then we started the weekly routine. I think it was
an eventful enough spring break. At least I think when
asked the kids wouldn't say they were bored, and that
was the goal!

1 Pennies for your thoughts:

Drea said...

Sounds like a full and fun week! For some reason (okay, we both know the reason--pregnancy hormones!!) the pictures of your kids playing in the yard together made me emotional! Sibling love! It made me miss my siblings and really look forward to times like that in my future! And I LOVE the picture of Jon snuggling Winter and Paris at the soccer game! It's so sweet! And yay for belly pics! (anyone else notice the excessive use of exclamation points?)